
腦本舖Brain Reserve

腦本舖Brain Reserve 腦本舖Brain Reserve

Brain Reserve 提倡老幼共同學習,透過教具讓長者減緩頭腦老化的速度,孩童則在過程中讓腦袋學習新知,讓彼此互相溝通及合作,進而培養感情及彼此的默契。

Brain Reserve encourages young and old to learn together. Through teaching aids, the elders can slow down the aging of their brains, and children can learn new knowledge in the process. Let each other communicate and cooperate with each other to cultivate feelings and mutual understanding.



張德文 Chang Te-Wen / 林美禎 Lin Mei-Jhen / 黃郁珊 Huang Yu-Shan


Brain Reserve encourages young and old to learn together. Through teaching aids, the elders can slow down the aging of their brains, and children can learn new knowledge in the process. Let each other communicate and cooperate with each other to cultivate feelings and mutual understanding.

腦本舖 Brain Reserve 腦本舖 Brain Reserve 腦本舖 Brain Reserve
