野台奧運會Sport Stage in Taiwan
野台奧運會 Sport Stage in Taiwan
台灣的運動小將正在為了走上國際被訓練著,正如台灣的 野台戲為了觀眾而賣力著。我們將培訓過程,以及傳統工 藝進行結合,藉由運動作為推廣的媒介,找回國人對野台 戲的期待。
Taiwan’s sports teenagers are being trained to get on international stage, just as Taiwan’s Puppet Shows work hard for the audience. We combine the sports training process with traditional crafts, and use sports as a media to find out Taiwanese’s expectations for Taiwan Puppet Show.
林昱成 Lin Yu-Cheng / 張欣瑜 Chang Shin-Yu / 林郁芳 Lin Yu-Fang / 邢福暘 Heng Fock-Yang / 李成源 Lee Seng-Guan / 邱榆婷 Amy Khoo Yu Ting